Thursday, December 30, 2010

Human Body Sensor For Seat Application

Collaboration with Google Earth

One of my favorite features C3D is to work with free software Google Earth. It gives us the ability to import terrain data in the form area, photos, and \\ or polygon mesh. We can also export a full design model (or part thereof) and view it in GE. How to go about it?

We begin by assigning a coordinate system for drawing. If you depend on the GE EXPORT recommend choosing ETRS89 / Poland CS92 (avoid later problems with the transformation.) Then open the GE and set the view you want to import. It is important to view setting was perpendicular and without rotation.
Various data import options (surface, photo, grid) from GE dostęne Imports are on the panel Insert the card.

If the drawing is assigned a coordinate system, the selected data will be inserted in the right place in space (a place we can of course also manually specify.) If the surface during the import program hangs, change the settings commands imported mesh sizes (from 30x30 runs with no problems).
downloaded image is shown in black and white (unfortunately) as a normal reference. To be in color after importing to return to GE, and there appears to save the image, and then replace it in Civilu.

downloaded the surface is fully worthy object of C3D, virtually indistinguishable from others, possessing all the parameters for the full edition.
Civil interesting feature is the possibility of strain on her image. After selecting the area, the dynamic tab, click the image stretching. Selected an appropriate image that will be assigned to the surface as the material.

Wykorzysując surface, we can get on with the appropriate design. I have this short and insignificant step:) Now I'll skip and go straight to the publication of the finished model in the GE.

In most cases, the road model in itself is rather uninteresting. To obtain pleasing to the eye effect, and the visualization is quite important, I would recommend to fill a little drawing. The easiest way to do it using multibloki (eg trees, lamp posts, cars, people) available from the basic palette C3D. I also I put a building area of \u200b\u200bthe file format. Adsk with Revita Architecture (a collaboration with this program I will try to write something next time.)

command model in the GE publication znjadziecie on the Output tab. When you click appears to us a dialog box where you set the export parameters. I usually do not Export the entire model, choose only those elements that must be visible, thanks to the entire export proceeds much more efficiently.
result export file is conducted. Kmz. We can immediately preview the GE. To open a file you do not have Civil possession is installed, you only need a free Google Earth.
Below you can see how the model in the GE.

At the end of I put render even very simple model, which previously exportowałem (made of course in Civilu).

Feel free to discuss and exchange experiences.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Cloudy Strands In Stool

, educates, HELP, teach, inspire, DEVELOP!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

How Much Redwood Planters

Russian landscape. 1893 - 1993 - 2013

"Some were happy that so far have gone ahead, while others regretted that due to the far left has become impossible to go back. But they and others think more about what they are so far gone, than ask yourself about where they came, and neither they nor others could not be unaware of how committed the acrobatic flight. From one warehouse concepts have moved to another so abruptly and hurriedly, that on the road and have lost their travel experiences and feel in a position lunatic who does not understand how he got there, where recovered.

Kluchevsky. Two Education (1893)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Best Place To Buy Vintage Decor

In the fed Years (2004 - first half of 2008.) Russia in many ways moved in a little more mature state, the average cluster is balanced. However, in crisis, we fall deeper than others, our performance was worse than most large countries. Tougher decline in production, financial markets, further currency devaluation. The unprecedented flight of capital. Loss-thirds of foreign reserves. Thus, we still remain one of the most volatile, risky economies. One reason for this - shaky foundation of society, the turbulence of its basic structures. We do not have well established social and political model, it is in itself turbulence, which we see for the past 20 years. Excessive volatility of society umbilical cord is connected to the economy. We can expect a very serious conflict of generations. Those who were born in 1980 - 1990-ies. - A "hungry generation" who did not participate in the privatization of assets created in the Soviet times, do not access this cake. This generation coming to power simply by virtue of changing ages, may challenge the division of property, which was formed in 1990 and passed a sieve of 2000's. In this redistribution, in this new attempt to legitimize the state will be required to participate. Really big assets of Top-500, which in the basis of all Soviet assets, will with difficulty be inherited. In other words, the property itself in the Russian Federation, which is the core, the engine of the economy, the determinant of the model economy, it in itself is not stable and is also related umbilical cord with the turbulence social and political model. Plus part of the "hungry generation" has become a lumpen, with the radical thinking and desperate way of life. Therefore, we are waiting for an uncertain future. Many adventures on the rise. Change teams, ownership, financial flows, increased conflict - year after year

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Stephen Hawking Personality

Ida Christmas

Ida Christmas and classes somehow not diminished. But I promise that in the second half of December there will be a new post. Regards from car on snowy road somewhere between "Szklarska Poręba and Gdynia". PP

Friday, December 10, 2010

Birthday Invitations In Spanish

magical time ...

Make a package for the needy! The club Haunted Mansion, you can leave candy, stuffed animals, games, puzzles and everything else that might be useful to the packets:). The premises also face small cans for money.

Do not like that man, doing good to another, but he was a benefactor.
It also gave them, obda
sored what the other takes love.
; ; ; ;
                                                                                                                             John Paul II

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sayings For Recipe Card Shower Invitation

generally do not like small children dressing in funny costumes. Infants and newborns are funny enough and I can observe them for hours. Yes, the commercials are sometimes bunnies, cats ... moving on all fours rather neatly mimic the tetrapods. Traders are not from the head of the parade and buries us, models and proposals. And in this way, our monthly Alinka received Koala tuner. This is a Soft kombinezonik with nicely modeled head, adorned young ears. The whole surmounted by graceful tail. Alinka was weaned in the dry pampersie, allowed without protest to przebieranki.Wyglądała hilarious and not to offend our rżenia.Zgrzała like a slug, blushed, and finally a loud cry us to restore order.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Steel Fence-post Depth

Connections Action Bundle! Help!

aim is to acquire various products required for the operation of the facility. If you have an opportunity or an idea where to put the basket into which you can throw things Speak up.

Audio Wedding Messages


most widely administration say that the omens Andrew's have association with pagan festivals honoring the dead and the cult spirits living on earth. It was believed that on this night of ghosts are able to offer people his supernatural power. we can distinguish among scholars and followers of the Greek theory of the feast ( bind them with the Greek root name Andrew aner, andros - man ) . The Catholic Church, St. Valentine's Day. Andrew is the limit of the normal period and the Advent - waiting time for the birth of Christ. Predictions Andrew's in Poland have five centuries of tradition. In the past, participated andrzejkowch games only girls who szukłay information about their future husbands.

To do justice to the tradition-slot will also play in the St. Andrew's party;)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Mini Refrigerator In A Cabinet

on the rising crisis of sovereign debt? Old as the world

«According to data compiled by London-based ... parliamentary committees in 1875 and 1878. It turns out that, starting from the twenties until the mid-seventies, the current century, the London market were made loans to 48 states, totaling 614.2 million pounds of art. Of these 48 states to the 1 st January 1878 had fulfilled all its obligations Only 17, among which, besides the European states, appear as Brazil, China, Cuba, Japan, Morocco and Massachusetts, 18 states within a more or less long time since that period is not complied with its obligations, ie, or not fully paid their interest, eg. Austria .... Or repay capital is not an appropriate time, or not in the proper amount ... to the last, except Austria, belong to even Danubian principalities, Spain and Portugal. " On a perfect fulfillment of the obligations had 45.89% of the amount of debt on the full and partial failure - 54.11%.

Source: BF Brandt. Foreign capital and their impact on economic development. Part One. - St. - Petersburg: Typography B. Kirschbaum, 1898. - P.61

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

E-mail Subject Thank You

Tunic and money

marketability of the Russian economy is on the brink. "Almost 50% of our economy is controlled by the state." (Minister of Finance Alexei Kudrin in the interview "Russia Today", October 5, 2009)
through the budget allocated about 50% of the GDP (General Government Revenue / GDP, on the IMF methodology).
Indicator "Central Bank Assets / Broad money» (IFS IMF) is for the Russian Federation 49.1% (2009). In 2008 - 2010 years. expanded institualiziruetsya price controls, started to establish "price targets" (as a reaction to the jump in prices in connection the fires of summer 2010). Big business is impossible without public procurement, without any affiliation with the state.
share of banks owned by State, bank assets grew from 35,9% in 2001 to 53,7% in 2009 (the State at the federal level controls about a third of bank assets). Number these banks in 2001 - 2010 years. increased by about 40%. In Russia - one of the nationalized banking sectors in countries with market economies (data at the end of the year. Including indirect ownership of the state in the banking sector. Without taking into account recent share nationalized banks in bank assets is approximately 40% (2009). Source (data, analysis, calculation methodology): Vernikov Andrei. Direct and Indirect State Ownership on Banks in Russia. - Higher School of Economics, Institute of Economics RAS. Munich Personal RePec Archieve. MPRA Paper No.21373. - March 2010)

Do Gay Men Think Tom Cruise Is Gay

Koala Who takes the wisdom of a lifetime soul

I thought that the soul itself leaves his current home and heads for the big fair. Then he came to my mind the idea of \u200b\u200ban angel of death who diligently collects the warm, human souls, sending them further into the heavenly world. And may God take his soul? He breathed in her life, gave gifts, and we have to account for this donation ... When we feel around each other a soul mate, we believe to be commended. We do not need words, assurances, and you just know. Soul can not be clear how to drive, always in the corners will be something from their predecessors. You have to just find and have a little luck. We are striving for it, but I think it's no coincidence that decides. Who takes a soul-giving away love.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Is I Have Hpv Can I Get A Braizlian Wax

Ecclesiastes as a guide to finance Russia

"What has been is what will be, and what to do, what will be done: and there is nothing new under the sun "(Ecclesiastes, Old Testament). The style of Russian modernization - is eternal. With great waste of the people and with the same nationalization of the economy.

«... Fans and foes of Peter (the first - YM) ... have characterized the action of his will or as the greatest merit for Russia as an act of great statesmanship, or as the greatest crime against their homeland, an act of tyranny and abuse of her moral personality ... The political growth of the state once again outpaced its economic development. Tripling the tax-paying burdens (from 25 to 75 million of our money), and simultaneous decrease population by at least 20% - these are facts which, by themselves, prove the put up position more eloquently than any details. At the cost of ruining the country Russia has been erected to the rank of European powers »

Milyukov N. State economy of Russia in the first quarter XYIII century and the reform of Peter the Great. - St. Petersburg: Publishing MV Pirozhkova, 1905. - S.544 - 546

Monday, November 22, 2010

Best Ways Masterbait Without Lub

Financial futurology: 2011 - 2025. Either yes or no

negative scenario is not considered (the fragmentation of global finance as a result of military Conflict (extrapolation of the twentieth century, faults Europe, U.S., Asia)).

alternative - the continuation of the globalization of finance, formation of multipolar financial architecture while maintaining the dominant role of the Anglo-Saxon model (the design of New York - London - off-shore "). The transition to a polycentric world reserve system (the dollar in the first place, the euro, is one of the Asian currencies (yen, yuan, collective), the regional reserve currencies). Rebalancing "bipolar model "of world economy (the return of export earnings of developing countries in the industrialized world as the basis of his" life debt "). As a consequence, clustering, regionalization of global finance. Expansion of supranational financial regulation. Formation of 3-tier system for stabilization of financial systems (IMF - regional stabilization funds - central bank).

continued cyclical, according to the exponential growth of financial depth (financial depth) of the world economy, interrupted by crises, knocks exponent. The studies often show that this is impossible without economic development. "Financiarisation / Securitization of the world (the transformation of large parts of goods and financial assets in liquid financial instruments, the gap between current prices of basic factors).

Overlay cyclical dynamics of different depths.

first - long (Kondratieff) cycles in the world economy m. financial dynamics. In the twentieth century, they are clearly visible. Prospective new cycle: 2011 - 2020's - the upward phase, exponential heating of the financial markets, bring down the new scale crisis at the turn of the 2030's. The imposition on them of cycles "regulation - deregulation, with a return to deregulation in the 2020-ies. Many local crises (In cycles of "exponential growth of financial assets - sverhkontsentratsiya risk - drop") on the periphery of global finance (in emerging markets such as Russia, - 1 -2 times in 5 - 15 years).

second - the cycle of changes in the global monetary system (as the core of global finance). 1890 - 1940-ies. - Increase the volatility of world Finance (bumazhnodenezhnye military finance, finance industrialization), 1950 - 1960. - Its "pacification", 1970 - 2000-ies. - A constant strengthening of risk, fluctuations, imbalance Global Finance (the starting point - separation from the gold at the turn of 1970.). "The point of bifurcation" 2010 - 2011 years. - Or pay off the excesses of volatility, the global lead finances to a more balanced state (world reform of financial regulation, countercyclical policy and "Disaster Medicine", Monetary authorities), or within 3 - 4 years - a new world financial crisis.

third - long-term cyclical movement of the world's reserve currency (U.S. dollar) directly affecting the prices of goods and financial assets and economic conditions. In the 1970's - 2000's. clearly visible 15 - 20-year cycles. In 2011 - 2030 years. fit into the regular long cycle of "strengthening - weakening" the U.S. dollar.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Turner's Syndrome Famous

Yes, I dreamed about it. I was sure that with the wisdom of life to get rid of problems. Plan, Do, and I feel complete satisfaction. And yet ... I do not want it. I prefer to wander, to experiment, fall and rise. Life wisdom reminds me of the meeting. The mind will be prompted ready reference, and I still commit the same errors. Maybe for other life wisdom will be useful, even desirable. I want to follow the path full of surprises, laughter, and when I stumble radości.Nawet, it strikes me own stupidity. It's easier to forgive stupidity than wisdom, to which I have sorrow and pretensje.Bo so smart, and not spared. Sometimes you need a child of innocence and behavior inappropriate to the age. How then, when I entered high, mossy tree to take a picture of a sad water.

Monday, November 15, 2010

How Long Will My Scorpio Stay Away

Import File. Txt

Partners ;)
here's a film in which imported is your point. txt data with skanalizowanego junction.
. Txt file contains information about the edges of the roadway and the islands and the walls of the building located in the vicinity of the intersection. By adding the appropriate codes, we can sketch one point measured in the field for a number of the figure. In our example, on the basis of a point on the edge of the carriageway will receive appropriate offset (horizontal and vertical) points to the curb and sidewalk. When you import items are automatically combined in the figure.

How Keep Soda Cold Outside


invite all workerów CIVIL-CIVIL- and hobbyists to invest their knowledge of AutoCAD Civil 3D in a newly founded Company CIVIL-on and thus motivate themselves and others to quickly become CIVIL-ionerami.
Each question is bothering you, and every technical trick, which I will share, will increase CIVIL-professionalism of all members, multiplying and accelerating their ability to work. I would like to exchanging experiences, jointly explore new solutions and build a new CIVIL-technology.
On the blog I will try to regularly post interesting content, you move the interesting topics that I hope will initiate an active and creative forum CIVIL-omanów.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sample Of Customers Complaints


Builders came to an end, we find graffiti.

Thank you for your support!

The world needs good people today, because increasingly, we believe that evil is stronger, even though it is just more flashy.
Our new tree with the rules:)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mucous Weather Change


''For my sadness, and your charm
offered you a bunch of red melancholy "
Ethiopians often recalls the melancholy of their songs. And he probably does not alien was. For me it's an unfair and indefinite longing. It's such a specific state other than the sadness, and even more grief. I then other perceptions: magic, prone to metaphors, as if from another world. Mutes up, I feel like around I gave rise to piękno.Wracam richer, but less and less resistant to the manifestations of chamstwa.To much and so many.
I think many of us feel similarly, but not always so openly and honestly talk about it. Increasingly, hiding their emotional states. It's not overly lavish them falls. The mind must learn to control your emotions, which often interfere with achieving our goals. I heard that hiding emotions prestige ... but I have a slightly different view on the matter.

; ; ;

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Como Clonar Pokemons White

me to contact you

Maybe one day I read, and if not, it's even better. When we are young, have great potential optimism without any coverage. We plan, we have, gospodarzymy goods, which do not have, but certainly we will dispose of them. And it is very beautiful feature of youth. In middle age we live only illusions, and then pretend that everything is for us and at your fingertips. I pity you so much, because I can see clearly how your dreams are dwindling, and now there are only pious wish. Mierzyłeś high and did not notice elusive stones, which as it happens in fairy tales pinch just to show up with royal splendor. In a word-chased by someone else's happiness, and stayed with the wind in their pockets. I believe that and so you were lucky. Wind is a good ally of the lonely. Happens everywhere and nowhere warms the place. It is invisible and leaves behind destruction ... So if I had you paint, it's only form of wind and brush wypaćkam already.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Gay Meeting Points In Hyderabad

Dating currencies over the Pacific Ocean

revaluation of the yuan to the dollar would mean an increase in its value against the euro and other currencies. Consequence - Deterioration of the overall position of China as a major exporter of the world (not only in trade relations, "U.S. - China." This is one reason why the Chinese authorities in Recently, both fighting for the transfer of trade with other countries in the Yuan. In this case, China could get all the advantages possessed by the issuers of international currency (seigniorage). But for that the yuan should be a market, not rigidly controlled.
Meanwhile, on how you will behave in the Chinese yuan and Japanese Yen, will largely depend on exchange rates and other Asian countries. Major conflicts of interest are located in pairs of the US-China "policy and the US-Japan". Other Asian Currency is a slave, their rates will change after the yuan and the yen. Japan in this bunch of weak link, it is - the market. Its currency is sailing, and yuan - pegged at the pier. Through the revaluation of the yen under pressure from the dollar may try to get it, and the yuan.
In China the U.S. will continue to seek to pressure, and the Chinese authorities - to explain why it is impossible revaluation of the yuan. But agree it would be difficult to change the situation can only rebalancing American economy. This - the official U.S. policy. Its aim - to weaken the mutual embrace of the U.S. economy and China's dependence on one another. Correct pre-crisis model, when the U.S. is fueled by imports from China and other developing countries and lived in the debt capital for the third world.
ruble to the dollar, euro and other currencies will be determined by their own dynamics in international markets. His independent movement is secondary, if there is no fundamental changes in the domestic economy, or do not come into play speculators. Or the Bank of Russia begins to artificially fix its level based on their perceptions a fair rate of the ruble. But it was the dollar as world reserve currency is a key indicator for us. Russia "good lives" when the dollar weakens to a basket of international currencies - are beginning to rise the price of oil, metals, grain, stock prices. And vice versa. Forecast of the dollar (the euro, yen, Swiss franc etc.) and the future of the Russian economy - now the same thing.
Do not expect a "currency war" in its open form. The level of globalization and interdependence economies are so high, and the reluctance to enter into the next world crisis is so strong that it was unlikely the government and the central banks of countries would like to major currency shocks.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Memorials For A Wedding Program

quote pad. First Series. 1882

«On the Russian public finances can say the same thing that he wrote the prince Kochubey Emperor Alexander I of Russia in general: "You can say, unfortunately, that Russia had not been explicitly arranged, although the reign of Peter the Great about this pomyshlyaemo was ..."
with great difficulty collected and prepared for development, the data show clearly that the need for restructuring the financial sector are equally "thinks was" as in the past and the present century, and that sometimes measures have been taken, really meet the needs and fully consonant with the needs of the moment. However, events in the shortest time were losing their land, sometimes even turned into definitely harmful to the economic situation of the country and detained its growth and development. All, generally, the transformations which, from time to time taken for the benefit of state finance that promised real favor of indigenous and correction is reduced to meaning "a drop in the sea", and our finances are still all the same suffered the same illnesses and, in spite of all the energy and the ability of many primary state figures, still no "right to make a" could not be ».

JS Bliokh. Finance Russia in XIX century. Volume One. - St. Petersburg.: Printing MM Stasyulevicha, 1882. - C.4

Friday, October 22, 2010

Best Hair Removal Strips


Writing books became fashionable and obliging. In fact, nearly every public figure if not written, it will write and issue the book. Frequently this is an autobiography or memoirs. This reminds me a little bit of Photoshop. Wypiękniony there is a hero to the pain ... As I read it's rare when I say: as if it were written about me. And we like to identify with the emotions of the characters of books. Heroes yes, but not herosów.Gdyby so you could use a simple procedure: write back - see my very different portrait. Maybe less pronounced, but more natural-human. In a word, it is sometimes easier to write a book than to face their daily duties. In the end, it draws everyday life. And if in doubt - write a book.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hyperthyroid Or Hypothyroid

People like money. Financial pyramid of humanity

Renew your blog. Finished the book, prepared it for publication, I hope that will be released in December. The name of the book: "The financial future of Russia: the extremes, booms, the catastrophe." Short extract from it (all data are confirmed by sources):
in 1930. 1% of the population owns 83% of all liquid wealth of the United States. [1]
In 1971 - 2000. investments in stocks of gold (individuals and banks) amounted to 16,2 thousand tons of gold, minted around 100 million ingot coins. [2] number of people in the world, whose financial assets exceed one million dollars (currency equivalent), reached in 2007, 10 million people (about 1 in every 660 people living on Earth) with assets of 40.7 trillion. U.S. $ (1986 - 2007. grown in 5,7 times). The number of particularly wealthy people in the world (financial assets - more than 30 million U.S. dollars) in 2007 amounted to 103 thousand people. (One of 66,000 people). [3] In 2007, 1% of the world's population owned 40% of global assets, 2% - 50% of assets, 5% - 71% of assets, 10% - 85% of assets. Conversely, those who had the lowest incomes (50% of world population) were the owners of about 1% of assets in the world

[1] Lundberg Ferdinand. America's 60 Families. - USA: Vanguard Press, Inc., 1937. P.46
[2] Borisov SM Gold in contemporary world. - M.: Science, IMEMO, 2006. - P. 49 - 57. "Ingot coin ... are convenient for counting and evaluation of the gold content. Basic coins contain exactly one troy ounce of pure metal, and in addition, issued fractional variety - with a gold content in the half, quarter and one-tenth of an ounce "(p.56). Calculations based on "Gold", Gold Survey "
[3] Merril Lynch & Capgemini World Wealth Reports 1986 - 2008

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Red Bump On Right Side Of Throat

Butterfly Dream

There is that every cloud a silver lining. October proved to be kinder on sunny days than its predecessor. I spend a lot of time outdoors and I try focić. Sometimes I feel this sudden urge to leave home at a specific place ... It is like something to me led by the hand. So I grabbed the camera and went to the abbreviations in the direction of the Vistula. Well, I stopped in an enchanted place: a small slope with mixed forest, illuminated by clearances of the rising sun with a slight haze-hammered me into the soil. Especially since I saw a golden rain. These drops shimmered even emerald. Maybe it flew about in flocks of tree crowns, perhaps with pine needles, but they were phenomenal ... It was a paradise on earth, another unique dimension. Maybe the paintings masters used to see similar phenomena. But now I was in the middle, my hands are shaking, I reach for the camera, setting i. .... defeat. No memory card. Of course, I left the laptop. Once you have wyżaliłam before me, I realized, what I wanted to tear it. These images, which can not be photographed. I saw something that could have come from my imagination, and nature has helped to bring out this phenomenon. And thank you for being so casual a happy ending. I think it has lovely views of the butterflies after watching nektarowym drink.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Uk Place Names Cryptic

R for repair:)

Today the first day of a big renovation. We have lived to this moment. We are busy ....:)

Welcome to współracy ;-)

Monday, September 27, 2010

How To Use My Inspiron 1520 Webcam


Hosting is a beautiful old Polish custom, but difficult to Wading. I tend to leave a visitor a lot of freedom. I myself do not like it when I was led by the hand, without being able to decide on your own time. Worse, if the guy decides to change my life, because he thinks I'm ♥ ▬ ♥ ▬ ♥ ▬ ♥ ▬ ♥ ▬ ♥
very unhappy, and bad habit shortens their lives. In a word beloved guy restricts my sacred right to the entire strategy wolności.Opracował and almost daily I get a phone zlecenia.Oczywiście not fit into the canons of beauty my dear guest. Then I'd have to dress up according to age, curls curl-fioczki, and thinking to take over from my new guru. I'm just curious when my good guy is discouraged, because I worked hard for their freedom and do not let go reins. That too many unwanted healers around you ... we accept the changes, and while I admire a small housing estate at the park, which for years is the same but always different.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

How To Remoisten Blunt

planned overhaul! VOLUNTEER

In our center is planned overhaul . We are looking for people of good will who would like us to help.

to renew facilities could begin in August as soon as possible we need:
- imaginative, energetic people;
- white paint for the walls;
- other building materials needed for repairs (foil, paint brushes, buckets, solvents, soil, etc);
- paint in "spray"
- money!

Even the smallest contribution is valuable!

You !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!