Ecclesiastes as a guide to finance Russia
"What has been is what will be, and what to do, what will be done: and there is nothing new under the sun "(Ecclesiastes, Old Testament). The style of Russian modernization - is eternal. With great waste of the people and with the same nationalization of the economy.
«... Fans and foes of Peter (the first - YM) ... have characterized the action of his will or as the greatest merit for Russia as an act of great statesmanship, or as the greatest crime against their homeland, an act of tyranny and abuse of her moral personality ... The political growth of the state once again outpaced its economic development. Tripling the tax-paying burdens (from 25 to 75 million of our money), and simultaneous decrease population by at least 20% - these are facts which, by themselves, prove the put up position more eloquently than any details. At the cost of ruining the country Russia has been erected to the rank of European powers »
Milyukov N. State economy of Russia in the first quarter XYIII century and the reform of Peter the Great. - St. Petersburg: Publishing MV Pirozhkova, 1905. - S.544 - 546
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