Tunic and money
marketability of the Russian economy is on the brink. "Almost 50% of our economy is controlled by the state." (Minister of Finance Alexei Kudrin in the interview "Russia Today", October 5, 2009)
through the budget allocated about 50% of the GDP (General Government Revenue / GDP, on the IMF methodology).
Indicator "Central Bank Assets / Broad money» (IFS IMF) is for the Russian Federation 49.1% (2009). In 2008 - 2010 years. expanded institualiziruetsya price controls, started to establish "price targets" (as a reaction to the jump in prices in connection the fires of summer 2010). Big business is impossible without public procurement, without any affiliation with the state.
share of banks owned by State, bank assets grew from 35,9% in 2001 to 53,7% in 2009 (the State at the federal level controls about a third of bank assets). Number these banks in 2001 - 2010 years. increased by about 40%. In Russia - one of the nationalized banking sectors in countries with market economies (data at the end of the year. Including indirect ownership of the state in the banking sector. Without taking into account recent share nationalized banks in bank assets is approximately 40% (2009). Source (data, analysis, calculation methodology): Vernikov Andrei. Direct and Indirect State Ownership on Banks in Russia. - Higher School of Economics, Institute of Economics RAS. Munich Personal RePec Archieve. MPRA Paper No.21373. - March 2010)
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