Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Memorials For A Wedding Program

quote pad. First Series. 1882

«On the Russian public finances can say the same thing that he wrote the prince Kochubey Emperor Alexander I of Russia in general: "You can say, unfortunately, that Russia had not been explicitly arranged, although the reign of Peter the Great about this pomyshlyaemo was ..."
with great difficulty collected and prepared for development, the data show clearly that the need for restructuring the financial sector are equally "thinks was" as in the past and the present century, and that sometimes measures have been taken, really meet the needs and fully consonant with the needs of the moment. However, events in the shortest time were losing their land, sometimes even turned into definitely harmful to the economic situation of the country and detained its growth and development. All, generally, the transformations which, from time to time taken for the benefit of state finance that promised real favor of indigenous and correction is reduced to meaning "a drop in the sea", and our finances are still all the same suffered the same illnesses and, in spite of all the energy and the ability of many primary state figures, still no "right to make a" could not be ».

JS Bliokh. Finance Russia in XIX century. Volume One. - St. Petersburg.: Printing MM Stasyulevicha, 1882. - C.4


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