People like money. Financial pyramid of humanity
Renew your blog. Finished the book, prepared it for publication, I hope that will be released in December. The name of the book: "The financial future of Russia: the extremes, booms, the catastrophe." Short extract from it (all data are confirmed by sources):
in 1930. 1% of the population owns 83% of all liquid wealth of the United States. [1]
In 1971 - 2000. investments in stocks of gold (individuals and banks) amounted to 16,2 thousand tons of gold, minted around 100 million ingot coins. [2] number of people in the world, whose financial assets exceed one million dollars (currency equivalent), reached in 2007, 10 million people (about 1 in every 660 people living on Earth) with assets of 40.7 trillion. U.S. $ (1986 - 2007. grown in 5,7 times). The number of particularly wealthy people in the world (financial assets - more than 30 million U.S. dollars) in 2007 amounted to 103 thousand people. (One of 66,000 people). [3] In 2007, 1% of the world's population owned 40% of global assets, 2% - 50% of assets, 5% - 71% of assets, 10% - 85% of assets. Conversely, those who had the lowest incomes (50% of world population) were the owners of about 1% of assets in the world
[1] Lundberg Ferdinand. America's 60 Families. - USA: Vanguard Press, Inc., 1937. P.46
[2] Borisov SM Gold in contemporary world. - M.: Science, IMEMO, 2006. - P. 49 - 57. "Ingot coin ... are convenient for counting and evaluation of the gold content. Basic coins contain exactly one troy ounce of pure metal, and in addition, issued fractional variety - with a gold content in the half, quarter and one-tenth of an ounce "(p.56). Calculations based on "Gold", Gold Survey "
[3] Merril Lynch & Capgemini World Wealth Reports 1986 - 2008
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