Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lorna Morgan Lotion Forum


I chose a sunflower that in this example, the spin considerations. Its fruit topped with a flower-shaped scales, sometimes of impressive size. Maybe it's easy to observe the rotation toward the sun. Hence the nazwa.Tak, the sun governs all-sol omnia regit. Omnipotent and revered. In ancient times the sun was a god. Man-just flying a bird on the planet Earth - just like a sunflower is associated with słońcem.Chwali them in poetry, with its music, song ... His love is called the sunshine and the invalid, that sometimes, like the sunflower, tilts head toward the other suns. Draw
But he did not want to be sunshine. He would not be a sunflower. On her prom dress carnival king chose. Why? - Because the king ruled by sunshine and sunflower seeds. I think that in time will learn humility in the face nature. Not everything can be tamed. Well, it did not work out Remisiowi governance at the ball. For the second year will be a witch-believes in the power of her spells. Let it be, faith works miracles.
Kiss for my sunshine.


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