Notes from the front
how to make the Russian economy growing steadily, and the financial sector - a prosperous? One from the obvious recipe - the growth rate of accumulation, the cessation of O "excess liquidity" from Russia, the focus on domestic demand growth, primarily middle- class.
higher savings rate, the greater the rate of economic growth. In Russia it is low enough and at the level of developed countries (25% in 2008, 19% in 2009) whereas for the creation of conditions for high economic growth rate of savings must be maintained at a level above 30% (China - more than 40%). Table below compares the rate of accumulation of several countries:
2007 Growth of capital and reserves / GDP,%
China 43,1
Kazakhstan 36,1
India 37,6
Russia 24,6
Greece 22,3
U.S. 19,5
UK 18,3
Germany 18,4
More than 50% of developing economies have a higher accumulation rate of 26%. Over 80% of developed countries - less 26%. Loading the Russian economy as "developed" (taxes - about 50% of GDP, a low savings rate, excessive consumption of government), taking out a business financial resources, we can not expect rapid modernization and social stability
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