How to become a book in the Living Library Gdańsk 2010?
Books are most valuable in the entire event and their unique personalities and skills they possess are the essence of the organization. Therefore, the selection of appropriate books is a very important part of the process of creating the Living Library.
What is recruiting?
first Personal Interview.
The recruitment held two meetings. First, the person concerned individual is invited to a meeting during which key issues will be established on the books, and communicated the principles of library, information on rules and safety. The meeting is a loose form, takes place in a friendly atmosphere and is not committing to participate in the action. Interviewer will try to establish a number of key issues, the book and its features in action. First of all, the book has to answer the question of why she decided to participate in the project? Conducted focus on hearing the story of a person, thus trying to look at all the pluses of its participation in the project or present disadvantages. It happens that the book might be "politically incorrect" or create the specific controversies. In this situation, the interviewer are required for a detailed discussion of the book, its decisions, and future events that may result from their participation (this is certainly a book urging the withdrawal from participation in the action.)
At this meeting also decided that the important issues how to personalized needs of a particular book (eg for persons with disabilities, this may be a problem with the transport or the provision of specific social conditions.) are also discussed matters related to safety and the conditions for borrowing books (which may be determined individually.)
2.Zebranie group.
At this meeting (within one week before the same action) will be invited all the books that will take part in the Living Library. Will be determined when the technical issues, and organizational time. A very important element of the meeting will be engaged to ensure the well being of each individual book. As participation in the Living Library is voluntary and operates on a voluntary basis, each book has the right to withdraw their participation of shares * . The book may do so at any time and has no obligation to give reasons for its decision. Organizers and coaches Living Library does not have the right to incite books to remain in the project, or waiting translations from the books. Therefore, when conducting the meeting will try to assess the attitudes of books, they dispel any doubts and provide information on all the questions that are associated with the project.
withdrawal of participation as a book with the Living Library.
Those who have decided to forego participation in the Living Library project, Gdańsk 2010, invited to inform the coordinators and promptly to change its decision. This will enable the rapid replacement of the missing book, a copy of the substitute.
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