Who can book?
book could be anyone Who in their openness to the diversity of the group understands the problems, which is representative of the remaining copy of the authentic and trustworthy towards their wypożyczających. Important that the book was able to deal with uncomfortable situations, awkward and sensitive. Questions asked by wypożyczających can surprise sometimes put a book in a predicament. It is therefore important that the book had the appropriate skills to cope with such cases, while remaining consistent with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe project and pursued his goals.
main activity book is an honest and open talks with wypożyczającym. Its role is thus to aid in breaking down stereotypes and prejudices against groups representing the book. Conversation requires two parties to the particular sensitivity, understanding and mutual respect for each represented the views and attitudes. The book is primarily a brave person who decides to take on her fight against bias by starting a dialogue with another man.
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