If you are considering their participation in the Living Library as a book, read the following information. If you have questions, you can write to zbgdansk@gmail.com and certainly answer your questions.
- Security. Safety rule include: Establishment of the Rules of individual lending books. Person ("book") alone determines the time of his "loan" and its conditions. Individual rules are part of the General Regulations, which rules all wypożyczających, books and librarians.
book may ask for an assistant (the librarian) at all, conducted interviews or invite an accompanying person.
book can be borrowed in the form of on-line! . Which means that, in its appointed hour duration of the Living Library will be available at a special chat room, enabling it to communicate with wypożyczającym without having to participate in the live action.
interrupt the conversation. book can opt out of a conversation with wypożyczającym always when you do not feel secure, safe and confident with the real purpose of the conversation.
book may withdraw at any time. If for some reason, the book does not want to continue to participate in the action could withdraw without giving any reasons, taken by its decisions.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
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Terms of participation in training, "Living Library Gdańsk 2010"
Terms of participation in training, "Living Library Gdańsk 2010"
Organizers: Baltic Centre for Culture and Art Agency Freakpointing.
pre-requisite of participation in training is the commitment by signing this statement, to actively participate in all modules of the project "Living Library Gdańsk 2010" which consist of:
two-day educational training taking place on 6 and 7 March 2010 in the Baltic Sea Culture Centre. Participation in training means a commitment to the practical use of knowledge gained by working actively in the implementation and organization of the two-day meetings of the "living books", which will be held on 8 and 9 May 2010.Active participation in the project means that work volunteer for the benefit and success of the project. In practice, participation involves the realization set in consultation with the coordinator of the project tasks (for example, may be responsible for maintaining contacts with the data books until the end of the project or help with promotion). - Participation in the project group meetings, which will take place within the deadlines set by the coordinators and given no more than a week before each meeting. Since the completion of training by holding a "Living Library" be held no more than 4 meetings.
- hearing with another method of informal educational activity that is "The Wall" directed against the city hate speech and participation in the action, together with invited people from their own environment (they can be disciples of the participant, wards or other persons to whom educator by a pedantic knowledge on the subject of anti-discrimination).
- grant aid (if necessary) the promotion and organization of competitions linked directly to the project Living Library Gdansk, 2010.
- direct, active participation in the preparation and organization of the major events of the project, which is held on the opening of the Living Library Gdansk 8 and 9 May 2010.
Persons participating in the series to date will receive educational materials, aids and reference books related to the individual modules of the project.
After the project, those involved in the cycle will be asked to fill special surveys needed to create the final report of the Living Library Gdańsk 2010.
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Training for Educators - Pathways to organization and the conduct of Vivid Libraries
Baltic Centre for Culture and Art Agency Freakpointing invite to training for the organization and conduct of antidiscrimination project "Living Library Gdańsk 2010" under the slogan
" Do not judge a book by its cover. "
Who should be trained?
training is addressed to educators (ie people involved in formal education and informal) in cultural institutions, NGOs, informal groups, schools, support groups, community centers, the street workers and people working in the media.
training includes following program:
- acquaint participants with the Living Library as a method of human rights education.
- acquire the skill to organize the Living Library.
- increase participants' awareness about the groups in contact with the discrimination and exclusion in Poland.
Issues to be discussed at the training:
- Living Library as a method of human rights education.
- history and objectives of the Living Library.
- Different views Living Library (at the festival, the library, at school, on-line, on the bus).
- Challenges Living Library - human rights and the problem of discrimination.
- Living Library - how it works step by step.
- Dilemmas Living Library - the controversy associated with the project.
- Experience Living Library in Poland and Europe.
training includes two days of classes from 9.00 - 16.00 (Saturday, 6 March) and 9.00 -16.30 (Sunday, 7 March).
presence of all eligible persons is mandatory.
All materials and educational resources are provided by the training provider trainer Dorothy Mołodyńską - Küntzel .
Dorothy Mołodyńska-Küntzel About Me:
dealing with non-formal education for several years, initially as a project coordinator and trainer in international projects related to the use of artistic methods, such as film and photography. Recently, I am an independent trainer - working with various organizations in Poland and Europe providing training and workshops. The education of most interest to me, issues related to human rights, intercultural dialogue and non-education non-formality. One of my favorite methods is the Living Library, which first came into contact in 2006 and which I brought to the Polish. So far this realized a project with great pleasure and passion, and I'm three times in preparation for the fourth edition. In 2009 in Budapest hosted weekly training for the organizers of the Living Library, organized by the Council of Europe. I am glad that I could in Gdansk share their experience, passion and inspire the next steps.
Applications and Regulations:
application forms (Appendix 2) are accepted until 24 February 2010. Information on qualifying for the training will be sent to the email address of the applicant, not later than 26 February.
priority to participation in training residents or workers in Gdansk. Training is provided for 20 people.
Signed and completed (a scanned version only) applications should be sent to:
Any changes concerning the training will appear automatically on the pages:
www.nck.org.pl and www.zywabibliotekagdansk.blogspot.com
Sent notification means that the trainee is aware of the rules of training and agree to the terms contained in it. In case of cancellation of participation the participant is asked informed the project coordinators or organizers no later than 1 March 2010.
Regulations and application training to downloadable entry form at:
www.nck.org.pl and www.zywabibliotekagdansk.blogspot.com
Sunday, February 7, 2010
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How to become a book in the Living Library Gdańsk 2010? What
How to become a book in the Living Library Gdańsk 2010?
Books are most valuable in the entire event and their unique personalities and skills they possess are the essence of the organization. Therefore, the selection of appropriate books is a very important part of the process of creating the Living Library.
What is recruiting?
first Personal Interview.
The recruitment held two meetings. First, the person concerned individual is invited to a meeting during which key issues will be established on the books, and communicated the principles of library, information on rules and safety. The meeting is a loose form, takes place in a friendly atmosphere and is not committing to participate in the action. Interviewer will try to establish a number of key issues, the book and its features in action. First of all, the book has to answer the question of why she decided to participate in the project? Conducted focus on hearing the story of a person, thus trying to look at all the pluses of its participation in the project or present disadvantages. It happens that the book might be "politically incorrect" or create the specific controversies. In this situation, the interviewer are required for a detailed discussion of the book, its decisions, and future events that may result from their participation (this is certainly a book urging the withdrawal from participation in the action.)
At this meeting also decided that the important issues how to personalized needs of a particular book (eg for persons with disabilities, this may be a problem with the transport or the provision of specific social conditions.) are also discussed matters related to safety and the conditions for borrowing books (which may be determined individually.)
2.Zebranie group.
At this meeting (within one week before the same action) will be invited all the books that will take part in the Living Library. Will be determined when the technical issues, and organizational time. A very important element of the meeting will be engaged to ensure the well being of each individual book. As participation in the Living Library is voluntary and operates on a voluntary basis, each book has the right to withdraw their participation of shares * . The book may do so at any time and has no obligation to give reasons for its decision. Organizers and coaches Living Library does not have the right to incite books to remain in the project, or waiting translations from the books. Therefore, when conducting the meeting will try to assess the attitudes of books, they dispel any doubts and provide information on all the questions that are associated with the project.
withdrawal of participation as a book with the Living Library.
Those who have decided to forego participation in the Living Library project, Gdańsk 2010, invited to inform the coordinators and promptly to change its decision. This will enable the rapid replacement of the missing book, a copy of the substitute.
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book becomes a bestseller?
What book becomes a bestseller?
Questions about the popularity of borrowed books are not only asked
by journalists, the books themselves and their lenders also often wonder about what affects the popularity of the specimen. Book becomes a bestseller, read by the greatest number of people according to a survey. The high turnout is influenced by several factors: a community problem with a particular group discriminated against, specific bias for the group and the place where the library is organized and personal approach wypożyczających to their stereotypes.
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Can anyone be a good book?
Can anyone be a good book?
Being a book is based on volunteerism. Books do not receive any financial benefit from participation in the project and the lenders do not pay their rent.
Sometimes the issue of participation in the project may appear to be unprofitable for a book, so it is important that the person holding the in a book intended to be understood the purpose of volunteering.
book should be aware of all aspects of participation in the action, these positive and those likely to arise, sometimes uncomfortable with such an unexpected course of a conversation with wypożyczającym.
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Who can book?
Who can book?
book could be anyone Who in their openness to the diversity of the group understands the problems, which is representative of the remaining copy of the authentic and trustworthy towards their wypożyczających. Important that the book was able to deal with uncomfortable situations, awkward and sensitive. Questions asked by wypożyczających can surprise sometimes put a book in a predicament. It is therefore important that the book had the appropriate skills to cope with such cases, while remaining consistent with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe project and pursued his goals.
main activity book is an honest and open talks with wypożyczającym. Its role is thus to aid in breaking down stereotypes and prejudices against groups representing the book. Conversation requires two parties to the particular sensitivity, understanding and mutual respect for each represented the views and attitudes. The book is primarily a brave person who decides to take on her fight against bias by starting a dialogue with another man.
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