Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Bf Has A Bigger Dick Than Me

Planet of the valley

I have a place where all the sorrows are reset, and a new approach to the issue or problem takes on a human face and kindly smile. It might be just the forest and so it is. Przedeptane path I called for the order reigns among them - "Planet of the valley" has an oval shape, is pretty well hidden from intruders. Yes, in truth, I am also an intruder, and always uszczknę little something. But we like to know about it. When I'm on the planet lily of the valley, I feel a little girl, greedily accumulating the Perfume. Arrange in a bouquet of white and green. I want to give my mom. This feeling never leaves me. Lily of the Valley at the time the planet has stopped. And that brief moment is sufficient to hopeless cases have become meaningless and restored my life.


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