Alien market
Russian financial market - a stranger. If it was your - did not grow up to when in the Moscow metro in the spring of committed terrorist acts. And did not grow up to today, when in central Russia - Fires in Moscow (the financial center of the country, 60-80% of all financial assets, up to 100% of the turnover of the securities market). - Soot, fire at the approaches to the suburbs. In a similar situation in London, New York, Frankfurt would all have been screaming about the universal catastrophe, and the markets would have shrunk lips and confidence fell. Bidding would be suspended. Shockey, the horror! Universal compassion and complete understanding of the situation.
So to grow, as it is today gaining confidence market shares in Russia, a dusty, fried, covered with fire, only possible if the market is dominated by non-residents. Abstract, virtual assets among such as global financial assets to the beat of them to move, whose motion is determined not in Moscow, where today breathe God knows what, and in some other offices, wherever they are. Where today the sun is shining and the birds are singing. News from Russia does not determine the dynamics of world markets. Unless we do something particularly senseless and merciless. Bernanke whisper louder Moscow fires. Apply today to leave the market, do not grow along with it - all the rules of social responsible investment (the market behaves asocial, indifferent, without any emotion and regret), and corporate responsibility (has a value how and under what circumstances you have earned money). It is not necessary to earn them today.
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