Saturday, March 27, 2010

Why Do Some People Get Hiccups

April 26, 2010 - Press Conference Gdańsk Living Library 2010 + training for journalists, "How to write and talk about discrimination,"

On 26 April 2010, we would like to invite media representatives to a special press conference on the draft Living Library Gdańsk 2010.
Conference will be hosted by the organizers and the organizers of the project and the project team.
Thus, we offer a two-hour training on "How to write and talk about discrimination," trainer conducted by Amnesty International.
Applications for participation in the conference and training should be directed to the email address or
or contact at tel 513 258 084

11.00 12.30 -14.30 training. Applications

their presence or have any questions, you can also direct the Department of Marketing and PR Baltic Cultural Centre Tel: 58 326 10 28


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