Thursday, December 30, 2010

Human Body Sensor For Seat Application

Collaboration with Google Earth

One of my favorite features C3D is to work with free software Google Earth. It gives us the ability to import terrain data in the form area, photos, and \\ or polygon mesh. We can also export a full design model (or part thereof) and view it in GE. How to go about it?

We begin by assigning a coordinate system for drawing. If you depend on the GE EXPORT recommend choosing ETRS89 / Poland CS92 (avoid later problems with the transformation.) Then open the GE and set the view you want to import. It is important to view setting was perpendicular and without rotation.
Various data import options (surface, photo, grid) from GE dostęne Imports are on the panel Insert the card.

If the drawing is assigned a coordinate system, the selected data will be inserted in the right place in space (a place we can of course also manually specify.) If the surface during the import program hangs, change the settings commands imported mesh sizes (from 30x30 runs with no problems).
downloaded image is shown in black and white (unfortunately) as a normal reference. To be in color after importing to return to GE, and there appears to save the image, and then replace it in Civilu.

downloaded the surface is fully worthy object of C3D, virtually indistinguishable from others, possessing all the parameters for the full edition.
Civil interesting feature is the possibility of strain on her image. After selecting the area, the dynamic tab, click the image stretching. Selected an appropriate image that will be assigned to the surface as the material.

Wykorzysując surface, we can get on with the appropriate design. I have this short and insignificant step:) Now I'll skip and go straight to the publication of the finished model in the GE.

In most cases, the road model in itself is rather uninteresting. To obtain pleasing to the eye effect, and the visualization is quite important, I would recommend to fill a little drawing. The easiest way to do it using multibloki (eg trees, lamp posts, cars, people) available from the basic palette C3D. I also I put a building area of \u200b\u200bthe file format. Adsk with Revita Architecture (a collaboration with this program I will try to write something next time.)

command model in the GE publication znjadziecie on the Output tab. When you click appears to us a dialog box where you set the export parameters. I usually do not Export the entire model, choose only those elements that must be visible, thanks to the entire export proceeds much more efficiently.
result export file is conducted. Kmz. We can immediately preview the GE. To open a file you do not have Civil possession is installed, you only need a free Google Earth.
Below you can see how the model in the GE.

At the end of I put render even very simple model, which previously exportowałem (made of course in Civilu).

Feel free to discuss and exchange experiences.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Cloudy Strands In Stool

, educates, HELP, teach, inspire, DEVELOP!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

How Much Redwood Planters

Russian landscape. 1893 - 1993 - 2013

"Some were happy that so far have gone ahead, while others regretted that due to the far left has become impossible to go back. But they and others think more about what they are so far gone, than ask yourself about where they came, and neither they nor others could not be unaware of how committed the acrobatic flight. From one warehouse concepts have moved to another so abruptly and hurriedly, that on the road and have lost their travel experiences and feel in a position lunatic who does not understand how he got there, where recovered.

Kluchevsky. Two Education (1893)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Best Place To Buy Vintage Decor

In the fed Years (2004 - first half of 2008.) Russia in many ways moved in a little more mature state, the average cluster is balanced. However, in crisis, we fall deeper than others, our performance was worse than most large countries. Tougher decline in production, financial markets, further currency devaluation. The unprecedented flight of capital. Loss-thirds of foreign reserves. Thus, we still remain one of the most volatile, risky economies. One reason for this - shaky foundation of society, the turbulence of its basic structures. We do not have well established social and political model, it is in itself turbulence, which we see for the past 20 years. Excessive volatility of society umbilical cord is connected to the economy. We can expect a very serious conflict of generations. Those who were born in 1980 - 1990-ies. - A "hungry generation" who did not participate in the privatization of assets created in the Soviet times, do not access this cake. This generation coming to power simply by virtue of changing ages, may challenge the division of property, which was formed in 1990 and passed a sieve of 2000's. In this redistribution, in this new attempt to legitimize the state will be required to participate. Really big assets of Top-500, which in the basis of all Soviet assets, will with difficulty be inherited. In other words, the property itself in the Russian Federation, which is the core, the engine of the economy, the determinant of the model economy, it in itself is not stable and is also related umbilical cord with the turbulence social and political model. Plus part of the "hungry generation" has become a lumpen, with the radical thinking and desperate way of life. Therefore, we are waiting for an uncertain future. Many adventures on the rise. Change teams, ownership, financial flows, increased conflict - year after year

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Stephen Hawking Personality

Ida Christmas

Ida Christmas and classes somehow not diminished. But I promise that in the second half of December there will be a new post. Regards from car on snowy road somewhere between "Szklarska Poręba and Gdynia". PP

Friday, December 10, 2010

Birthday Invitations In Spanish

magical time ...

Make a package for the needy! The club Haunted Mansion, you can leave candy, stuffed animals, games, puzzles and everything else that might be useful to the packets:). The premises also face small cans for money.

Do not like that man, doing good to another, but he was a benefactor.
It also gave them, obda
sored what the other takes love.
; ; ; ;
                                                                                                                             John Paul II

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sayings For Recipe Card Shower Invitation

generally do not like small children dressing in funny costumes. Infants and newborns are funny enough and I can observe them for hours. Yes, the commercials are sometimes bunnies, cats ... moving on all fours rather neatly mimic the tetrapods. Traders are not from the head of the parade and buries us, models and proposals. And in this way, our monthly Alinka received Koala tuner. This is a Soft kombinezonik with nicely modeled head, adorned young ears. The whole surmounted by graceful tail. Alinka was weaned in the dry pampersie, allowed without protest to przebieranki.Wyglądała hilarious and not to offend our rżenia.Zgrzała like a slug, blushed, and finally a loud cry us to restore order.